It was with great pride and excitement that Geographia saw the article that came out on August 3 in New in Town. This online lifestyle magazine is undoubtedly a reference in the market, and having an article written on its pages is a very important milestone for us. With this publication, we hope to arouse the interest of many people who live or visit our city, giving them the curiosity and the desire to come to Geographia and taste the wonderful specialties that speak Portuguese so well.

“The decoration – The old world maps showing where the Portuguese passed are part of the decoration.” Photo of Inês Costa Monteiro

In this article, the journalist Adriano Guerreiro refers to some of the wonderful dishes that make up our menu, and there is no better way to invite guests to come and try our Geographia.
[Free translation]: «For entry there is dim sum of Macao with sweet peppers (€ 6.50), “Fritinhos” [fried food] from four continents, a meat croquette, a cod cake with manioc, a tender pasta with sardines and another with tapioca (€ 6) or the Timorense “Moma” salad, with chicken, sweet potatoes, grain, banana, almond and orange (7 €). In the dishes continue the references to several countries. This is the case of Goa shrimp curry served with coconut rice (€ 14), an Angolan Moamba fish (€ 13), the field chicken with peanut curry (€ 14) or the picanha with “baião” of two, a mixture of beans rice and fried manioc (€ 16).

“A picanha chega mal passada e é acompanha com baião de dois, uma mistura de arroz com feijão.” Photo of Inês Costa Monteiro

To finish off there is desert called “quindim” with “capirinha” sorbet (5 €), chocolate mousse of São Tomé with salami (5 €), cream milk with caramelized pineapple (6 €), and the Best Loaf of Ló of the Universe, which Miguel Júdice takes to all their spaces. During the weekdays there is lunch menu at € 14, with entrance fee, couvert and a plate of the letter that is already set – from September will always be a new creation. Already on Saturdays, in a few weeks, will start a special lunch menu with “feijoada”, a Portuguese/Brazilian bean stew.»

“The account – The bead with the bill arrives inside the books of Júlio Verne.” Photo of Inês Costa Monteiro

Read the entire article (in Portuguese) at
